Definition of food stabilizers
Food stabilizers allow the maintenance of physico - chemical state of food.
The role of these substances is to stabilize the composition of food.
They also include substances which stabilize, retain or intensify the color of food.
You will find these substances with the codes Ε400 to Ε499.
Stabilizers (emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, gelliing material) are natural or synthetic substances that added to food, added to ready meals and added to soft drinks - liquid.
Mixtures of stabilizers:
- Mayonnaise
- Mustard
- Ice cream
- Sauce
- Chocolate milk
- Cream
- Dressing salads

Agar Agar E406 Stabilizer
Agar Agar E406 stabilizer, is a natural volatile substance, it is produced by several algal species of Rhodophyceae spice in US and Japan. It is widely used by industry and have not been any known side effects from consumption to the present day.